New Art Exhibit Causes Questions

By : Jordan Ross, Opinion Editor

Many faculty, staff and students alike have seen the new additions to the walls that reside in the lobby of Tucker. No doubt passersbys have been left with numerous questions. With no name indicating who the creator was or what the purpose behind these paintings were, on lookers were left with a sense of curiosity and possible hesitancy.

If you too have wondered questions such as these, look no further. These works of art are the creation of our own Mr. Nicholas Tisdale. Professor Tisdale was kind enough to take on a few questions about his exhibit to further clarify the purpose of his painting.

“There is a certain kind of familiarity with political and historical portraits.” Professor Tisdale became intrigued with the relationship between the featured historical figures and the messages thereby conveyed (by said figures). What would happen if he distorted this “body of work”? Would this change the message of the paintings? Would their glory be defiled or decreased? And that is exactly what he set out to do. He was able to “through various analog and digital methods, mimic the aesthetic of mass-production. He then began to blot out the main subject by process of various and abrasive means such as: scraping and sanding.

With the lack of a focal point in the form of a historically know subject, something that could be considered loss also provided us, the viewers, with a new truth. According to Professor Tisdale, “They(the images) act less as honest tools of information or records of memory but instead as forms of manipulation.” These portraits are not “records of memory” or sought after, “honest tools of information.” Professor Tisdale would instead offer this explanation, “The removal of the central figures calls attention to the manufactured meaning of the portraits.”

As always, we here at Judson have the opportunity, especially when our own professors are involved, to delve a little further into the meaning of the exhibit. We were able to pick at Professor Tisdale’s brain regarding his exhibit. Here’s what we found out…

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