Dear Anne Curt-ly,

HELP. I have 2 tests (one of them is for a WILSON class), 3 quizzes, I have glitter in my hair, 1 paper was due yesterday and 1 paper due tomorrow, and my hair was scorched by a candle. I am involved into too many clubs and head of everything. So, how do I balance everything?

Frazzled and Frustrated

Dear Frazzled and Frustrated,

Simply put. You can’t.

Let me explain what I mean.

What a load you have! I myself remember such a busy time in my life as well. And that is why I feel qualified to give you this advice. If you attempt to balance everything, you will balance nothing.

Let me first say, congratulations. You are on the right way to learning just how much you can handle. When you are at college there are so many things to experience. One of those things that you’ll experience is just how to handle your various responsibilities. Yes, they can seem overwhelming at times however there are a few ways to help prevent that.

First off, I would propose that you find a planner, or a calendar that would help you collect the dates, deadlines and study sessions that would arise. If you do not collect them somewhere, then you are more liable to forget them. Believe me, the best lie ever told goes something like this, “I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember that.”

Secondly, consider what you have on your plate. As someone once told me when you say yes to something, you are also saying no to something. Take time to consider what you are saying yes to, and what you will ultimately be saying no to.

Lastly, learn how to say no. Go ahead and practice it. You won’t be able to do everything, there will be another ball, and you can join that club next semester.

May you soon be free and frolicking,

Anne Curtly


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