On September 26, Judson held its annual fall elections for student leadership. Any interested student candidate could run for various positions in organizations such as SGA (Student Government Association), Social Committee, Honor Council, and class leadership. Students are allowed to run for multiple positions, and are voted in by their peers.
The various student leadership groups on campus each have their own unique purpose. SGA holds regular meetings which any student is welcome to attend. SGA consists of an Executive Council which presides over the meetings and works throughout the year to plan meetings, fundraisers and other events, such as Dorm Chats. Residence Hall Representatives are members of SGA who represent each of the respective dorms on campus, as well as the various interests of her dorm.
Social Committee
Social Committee consists of dedicated students who plan, set up, and serve faculty, students, and guests at various events, including the President’s Reception, Christmas Tea, and the Jr-Soph formal. A Social Committee member “needs to have a servant’s heart and know that the event they are helping host is not for them, but for their Judson sisters and the faculty and staff that help run our college,” said Chair member Liz Alsobrook
Honor Council
Honor Council members are students who work to uphold the Honor Code, and ensure that their fellow classmates are upholding it as well.
Class Officers
Class officers are elected by members of their respective classes for various positions. Each class officer has a unique and meaningful job, from planning class meetings, to composing class songs, and leading their classes in a word of prayer. Class officers help ensure that every student knows everything they need to about the different traditions, and they make themselves available to hear any concerns a student might have.
Holding a student leadership position in any organization at Judson is an important, yet honorable, standing. Students are encouraged to step out and go above and beyond to help their school. As Liz Alsobrook said, student leadership “is about service to our Judson sisters as well as to our school. We all honor Judson in a different way.” And what better way to honor Judson than through faithful service.
Congratulations to the following elected candidates:
Vice President of Activities – Liz Alsobrook
Community Service Coordinator – Cassidy Padgett
Publicity – Marissa McNamara
1st Year Representative – Lindsey McDonald
Barron Representative – Vivi Trull
Kirtley Representative – Shelby Waterhouse
Commuter Student Representative – Melissa Thurber
Honor Council:
3rd Year Representative – Nicole Smith
1st Year representative – Lauren Lightfoot
Kirtley Representative – Samantha Rowley
Social Committee
Chair – Liz Alsobrook
WMU Representative – Hannah Windle
Barron Representative – Marissa McNamara
Kirtley Representative – Jesslyn Richardson
1st Year Representative – Brianna Arriaga
Senior Class Offices:
Vice President – Arienne Borowski
Jr/Soph Class Offices
Song Leader – Kate Wright
Freshman Class Officers
President – Callie Donahue
Chaplain – Lauren Lightfoot
Vice President – Rebecca Ulrich
Treasurer – Lindsey McDonald
Secretary – Ti-ara Turner
Song Leader – Samantha Rowley
The Triangle would like to congratulate those who ran and wishes the best to those who are currently holding a position of leadership. May you run the race before you — and do so well.