Spring Break Mission Trip Spirits Strong Enough to Raise Funds

Ms. Laura Lee and Sarah Fowler with the garage cleaning group outside the Nicholsons’ home.
Ms. Laura Lee and Sarah Fowler with the garage cleaning group outside the Nicholsons’ home.

This year the SEND mission team—a group of Judson students and some faculty—will go to New York City, as they have done the past few years, during their spring break in the coming semester. Fundraising events started with working in Pastor John Nicholson’s house earn money for the trip expenses.

Garage spiders cannot stop the group’s fundraising spirits
Garage spiders cannot stop the group’s fundraising spirits

Mission work is one of the opportunities that Judson offers to students who would like to take action on their love for Jesus by service across the nation. SEND is a team that Judson has for student and faculty participation in missionary work annually during spring break. Each year the participants are divided into two or three groups to serve in different places such as Marion, Miami, and New York City. However, this year all participants will go to New York City split into two different teams.

“One team will be working with ‘Let My People Go,’ an organization empowering churches and groups to fight human trafficking by loving those who are vulnerable, and one will be working with ‘Urban Nation Outreach’ by teaching ESL (English as Second Language), citizenship classes, and lead after school programs,” said Ms. Cynthia White, one of the leaders of the SEND team.

Cleaning group hard at work inside the house.
Cleaning group hard at work inside the house.

As mission participants’ spirits are burning to serve during the trip, they are ready to raise the money they need for the trip in many ways. The mission participants just started their fundraising events by cleaning Siloam Baptist Church’s pastor John Nicholson’s house on November 11. They met in the J and divided into a seven-person group to clean the garage and five people in another group to clean all the rooms inside the house. After three hours of cleaning, the team left a dust-free house and went back to their dorms.

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